10 Game Changing Tips To Transform Your  Powder Room Style

Begin the journey with a discerning look at tile materials, moving beyond ordinary ceramic and porcelain.

Choosing the Right Tile Type

Explore varied layouts that these tiles can achieve, from creating an illusion of expansive space to minimising grout lines for a seamless appearance. 

Optimise Layout with Large Format Tiles

Whether it’s the timeless herringbone, Terrazzo or contemporary geometric designs, each pattern brings a unique character to your powder room.

Experiment with  Patterns

Understand the synergy between wall tiles and the overall ambience, exploring how these tiles contribute to the room’s visual narrative.

Focus on Wall Tiles

Explore the impact of dark floor tiles paired with lighter wall tiles or vice versa.

Play with Colour Contrasts

Connect with nature by incorporating tiles that mimic natural elements.

Incorporate Natural Elements

Understand how to seamlessly integrate this centrepiece into the overall design, leaving a lasting impression on your powder room’s visitors.

Create a Focal Point

Understand how proper lighting not only enhances the beauty of your tiles but also contributes to the overall atmosphere of the space.

Prioritise Lighting

Explore how towel bars, mirrors, and fixtures can seamlessly integrate with your chosen tile design.

Accessorize Thoughtfully

Try to create a delicate balance between aesthetics and functionality.

Maintain Functionality