Embrace the Excess: Stunning Maximalist Decor Ideas You Need!

Design a maximalist space that reflects your personality. Embrace your favorite colors, fabrics, and accessories for a uniquely personalized touch

Show & Tell Your Passions

Mix, don't match your furniture for a wow-factor effect. Embrace unexpected pairings for a bold and eclectic style.

Mix (don't match) your furniture

Mix patterns and embrace bold pairings, including patterned tiles, for a visually stunning home ambiance.

Try a pattern-on-pattern approach

Elevate your maximalist decor with bold statement wallpaper for eye-catching flair

Show off a statement wallpaper

Paint your walls in a bright shade to make art pieces and funky patterned drapes pop, enhancing the overall vibrancy of the room.

Skip the white walls

Mix new and old pieces for a dynamic and eclectic home decor

Combine new and old pieces

Layer in textures with diverse materials for a rich and dynamic home vibe

Layer in lots of texture

In small spaces, embrace maximalist decor with bold colors, statement pieces, and layered textures for a visually captivating ambiance

Think big in small spaces

Go wild with animal prints for an exotic and daring home aesthetic

Get wild with animal prints