How To  Make Your  Small Home  Feel More Spacious

Improve the way a small room or space looks by using tiles to create an illusion of space and depth. 

Feature Wall

Use the walls of your narrow spaces, such as corridors to create a built-in storage section.

Storage and Convenience

Use geometric tiles and pair them with neutral tiles of the same dimension to create an interesting pattern. 

Use Different Colours

If you are into a more rustic and country look, then you may introduce quilt-like patchwork tiles in your small spaces. 

Quilt Illusion

Use a graduating tile design or a wall highlight on just one wall to make the space look bigger and allow the eye some relief.

Give a depth

A tiny section of tiles can serve as a transitional space between a larger room with wood to a smaller and narrower space with tiles.

Wood and Neutrals Together

Add some pieces of furniture that are appropriate to the size of the narrow space to make it more functional. 

Sleek Furniture

Create spaciousness and add depth with mirrors. Add art, accessories, and family photos for charm, but avoid overdoing it.

Art, Mirrors, Accessories

A strip of decorative tiles across the length of the wall can improve your narrow space.

Decorative Accents and Strips

You can use contrasting shades of tiles in combination to create an illusion of space. 

Contrasting Shades