Flooring is an integral part of interiors- it easily makes or breaks the look of a space. Based on the place for which you need new flooring, there needs to be a balance between functionality and style. Tiling is one of the best options to redo that flooring, given its durability, ease of maintenance, and designs. Vitrified floor tiles, in particular, are developed through the process of vitrification by mixing 60% silica with 40% clay. In the case of flooring, the capacity to endure heavy-load and an ability to withstand pressure are considered to be important deciding factors of the suitability of a tile. Vitrified floor tiles are advantageous in such scenarios as their anti-abrasion content is high. Orientbell offers a wide range of vitrified tiles. Flooring that is easy to maintain and resistant to damages can be achieved through full-body, glazed or double charged types of vitrified tiling. These also give a premium look to your interiors!
Flooring is an integral part of interiors- it easily makes or breaks the look of a space. Based on the place for which you need new flooring, there...
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Full-body vitrified floor tiles add luxury, charm, and glamour to any space. For residential purposes, they can be installed outdoors. Glazed vitrified tiles are the regular vitrified category with the addition of digital enhancements that can give textures like bamboo, wood or slate. Double-charged vitrified flooring tiles carry two layers of glazing, that is, two pigments in different layers. Easy to maintain and durability are the two main desired traits of vitrified floor tiles. Price of Orientbell vitrified tiles is determined according to the type of tiling. No matter what the design and variety though, these tiles are value for money and last long.
Vitrified tiles flooring is anti-skid and resistant to moisture. For areas like bathrooms and kitchens that see slippage and pooling of liquids, vitrified flooring is ideal. With so many variations done to vitrified tiles, they are in high demand these days. Due to the dust-compression method, they are harder and denser as compared to ceramic tiling.
Vitrified tiles have taken the market by storm and Orientbell’s vitrified floor tiles price directly correlates with the cost-effectiveness of its tiling. Available in multiple designs, they are fool-proof against scratches and can be used in neglected areas like the kitchen to give it a snazzy do-over. The digitally modified vitrified tiling combines world-class imprinting technology and innovative artwork to redefine what we understood by vitrified tiling in the past. With over 500 designs at Orientbell, you can finally reset that flooring you have been putting off, much to the amazement of your guests and yourself. Vitrified tiles flooring these days also includes a nano finish wherein the tiny pores on the surface of the tiles are filled with liquid silica which evens out the texture of the tile. If your balcony has been asking for a new layer of furnishing, you should take a look at the vitrified floor tiles at Orientbell.
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