Are you planning to remodel your kitchen? Well, one of the first things you need to pay more attention to is the kitchen backsplash. Kitchen backsplashes act as a shield for your walls while you cook. The oil splutters, spills, stains, and sticky smoke are a given in the kitchen.

You need a material that is easy to clean and maintain for longer periods of time. Orientbell Tiles offers you a range of tiles for your kitchen backsplashes that are not just aesthetically pleasing but are also very durable – which is what you want from the tiles you choose for your kitchen. While there are many tiles options that you can consider for your backsplash, glass mosaic tiles seem to become more popular in this field.

Related: 20 Trendiest Kitchen Backsplash Ideas

Let’s have a look at why you should choose a glass mosaic tile as your primary kitchen backsplash material:

Using Glass Tiles / Mosaic Tiles in Kitchen Backsplash

1. Easy To Clean

Tiles are invariably very easy to clean and maintain; glass mosaic tiles also stand up to expectations. They are quite easy to clean and prove to be great material. Since it is glass, the food spills or oil stains won’t get absorbed into the glass mosaic, making it even easier to keep up the shelf life of the tiles. You can simply wipe off the grime using a wet or damp cloth or an all-surface cleaner to keep it shining and sanitised.

2. Resistant to Mould

When it comes to areas with food like the kitchen and pantry, you have to be very careful about the storage as with moisture; there can be mould growth. Mould is especially not safe for those with allergies. Backsplashes made in wood or metal can be prey to mould and mildew growth, but glass mosaic tiles are resistant to both.

Since glass reflects a lot of light, you can use that as an advantage to make the room brighter by allowing natural sunlight to flood the space. Dark and moisture-ridden areas are a breeding ground for mould and mildew growth.

3. Environmentally Friendly

Choosing the right materials is not just an excellent choice for your home but also for the ecosystem. Changing your lifestyle to a more sustainable one is the need of the hour, considering that our resources are declining rapidly. Glass mosaic tiles are environmentally friendly as most are made using glass. Plus, they have insulation properties that keep the tiles warm in winter and cool in summer, thus saving you a lot on your monthly energy bills. So, choose glass mosaic tiles for your kitchen if you plan on going green.

4. Various Design Options

Tiles come in various designs and patterns, and the inventory of over 3000 tiles at Orientbell Tiles is proof of that. You may also reach out to your nearest Orientbell Tiles boutique to understand which tile will look better and get about five suggestions for each tile with the help of our innovative tile visualisation tool – QuickLook.

Just contact any of our tile experts in the store to help you with the same. You have many options available, whether in colours, sizes, or shapes that suit your area the best.

5. Reflects Light

One of the reasons why glass mosaic tiles are a winner for kitchen backsplashes is because they have great reflection. Natural light is reflected abundantly, which brightens up the entire space, making it look bigger. Regardless of the colour, these glass mosaic tiles will not darken with time or exposure to heat. Plus, they are strong enough to last you for years.

Kitchen remodelling can be a task, but if you choose the right materials for the walls and flooring, you can get the bang for your buck. Look for durability over price. Glass mosaic tiles are great for kitchen backsplashes as they are easy to clean and maintain over a period of time.

Thanks to the major pros, you will not regret investing in these tiles. Need some help in choosing the best tiles for your kitchen backsplash? Visit the nearest Orientbell Tiles store.