22 May 2024, Read Time : 6 Min

20+ Laundry Room Designs to Transform Your Wash Area

This very area of your house is the most overlooked, even though it has a big role in maintaining cleanliness and ensuring that the house is healthy and safe. So, why don’t you think of creating and giving a well-designed space to your laundry room so that chores are no longer stressful? If you have a large room or a small closet-sized space, we have some amazing ideas to elevate the look and feel of this space and transform it into a stylish wash area.

Compact Efficiency

Do you have a space issue at your house? Well, that’s a problem with most people now. In such cases, compact laundry setups are a lifesaver. You can bring stackable washers and dryers, as they can fit into small spaces. Plus, you can add shelves and cabinets for storing detergents, soaps, and cleaning stuff. One hack: Add a little countertop for folding clothes and hooks on the wall. They are perfect for hanging things up.

Wooden Charm

Woods are your best friend when looking to give your laundry place a rustic charm. Add wooden countertops, open shelving, and vintage decor to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. You can also introduce hidden storage to keep the space clutter-free. In this space, choose light colours and don’t go for too many shades; use sober-coloured tiles like this one from Orientbell Tiles and natural materials to enhance the vibe. As per your personality, keep the decor minimal to funky. You can attach fun photos of your family or some thoughtful quotes to the frame.

Bright and airy

Allow natural light to flood your laundry room to create an atmosphere that is pleasant and comfortable. Let the fresh air in and make your place as bright and cheery as you are by opening those windows!

Patterned Tiles

Whenever you want to make a statement without doing much, add patterned tiles. Use them on the floor or even on the walls of your laundry room. This can add visual interest and make the space more vibrant and dynamic. Like the one on the top, EHG Brick Blue DK, with a blue brick style pattern from Orientbell Tiles and the one at the bottom, named Moon Pro EC Beige, is surely going to give a royal yet minimal look to the area. 

Glamorous Laundry

Use some exquisite lighting, perhaps even a chandelier, to give the space a touch of refinement. Using soothing blues and greens that channel the tranquil energy of trees and water would be a great idea. Additionally, remember to include the last details! Consider adding some old treasures for a cosy vintage ambience, or go beachy with ornamental seashells or nautical artwork. Creating an environment that is stylish, comfortable, and entirely your own is the key here. You can do anything you want with your laundry room, whether your goal is luxury or old-world charm.  

Sustainable Laundry Designing

Try incorporating recycled wood and jute to achieve a natural feel in your interior design. How fantastic would it be to have a dryer and washer that consumes less energy and water and reduces water and electricity consumption? Just think of how much less of an environmental impact that could have on your home!

You may save money and be kind to the environment at the same time by making small decisions like these. Who wouldn’t want a laundry room that works well and looks perfect, too? Therefore, why not build your laundry area with ecological sustainability in mind and proceed towards becoming a conscious citizen? 

Ironing Board

To save more space, you can also put up a foldable table for ironing purposes. It can be built into a cabinet or drawer and pulled out when needed. This keeps your laundry room tidy and ensures you always have a place to iron clothes.

All-in-One Laundry Centre

Did you ever want a superhero for laundry? The all-in-one washing centre is finally here! Consider having a washbasin, washer, dryer, and ample counter space for folding all in one location. Additionally, there is enough space to store your hangers, baskets, and detergents, keeping everything organised. That is a real dream, is it not? This place has everything you need to make laundry day easy—no more running around the house looking for laundry supplies!


Do you love sewing? Utilise this area and turn your laundry room into a multi-functional workstation. Add a desk or a small table for sewing and crafting. This can make the space more useful and give you and your mom a dedicated area for various related tasks.

Custom Built-Ins

Custom-built shelves and cabinets give you the freedom to create storage. You can construct an area that precisely suits your needs, whether you need cupboards to store cleaning materials, shelving for perfectly folded linens, or dedicated spaces for laundry supplies. You can select hardware, finishes, and materials that go well with your current furnishings or produce a unified look.

Bright accents for large spaces

With large laundry rooms, adding bright colours is a good idea to create a fun and cheerful atmosphere. Also, incorporate anti skid tiles as shown in the image above from Orientbell Tiles to avoid any mishappening in the area. They not only have a wide range of options in this category, but also offer beautiful textures and designs. These accents can easily be changed to keep the space feeling fresh, safe and new.

Also Read: 2024 Tile Takeover: Transforming Spaces Room by Room with the Latest Trends!

Hi-Tech Laundry

When it comes time to transform your laundry room, think about putting in some high-tech features. A wide range of hi-tech washers and dryers are available today that enhance convenience in your laundry routine by allowing remote operation via a smartphone. The additional capabilities that these appliances frequently have, such as steam cleaning, make it simpler than ever to get flawless results. You can start a load of laundry or change settings on your phone from anywhere in the home with a few clicks. This level of automation gives your house a contemporary, luxury touch while simultaneously reducing your workload. Additionally, over the years, the efficiency of these cutting-edge appliances may result in lower energy and water costs. 

Do you think that decorating your laundry room is a boring idea? Try adding personal elements, which can liven up the area and make washing laundry more fun. Start by adding some greenery; plants may give a space a vibrant, new feel. Simple potted plants, or even low-maintenance succulents, will do the magic. And lastly, do not overlook storage! In addition to bringing flair to the space, decorative baskets and containers are also helpful for practical storage options. A well-utilised and visually beautiful area can be created by including decorative storage solutions, hanging artwork, and adding a few plants.


Clever storage is essential for a well-designed laundry room. To keep things concealed, consider using cabinets, shelves, and baskets. You do not ever have to run for supplies again because detergents, fabric softeners, and other items have their places. Furthermore, space and efficiency can be increased with the help of built-in ironing boards, retractable drying racks,

But it is not just about functionality—adding chic décor makes the room feel more elegant. For both functionality and aesthetic appeal, consider using tiles. They create visual appeal and integrate the space, whether you choose traditional subway tiles or modern geometric patterns. Additionally, don’t overlook the minor nuances that might have a significant impact. To bring some colour and freshness to the room, add some greenery, hang up motivational sayings or artwork, and use attractive baskets or containers to keep everything organised. In the end, a thoughtfully planned laundry room can simplify your daily schedule and add a little enjoyment to your mundane chores. So why hold off? Make laundry day easy by starting to plan your ideal laundry area now!

Speak to our Tile Expert


Prerna Sharma

Prerna Sharma boasts 12 years of comprehensive experience in content creation and marketing strategies. For the past two years, she has served as the Content Website Editor at Orientbell Tiles, where she has been instrumental in shaping engaging online narratives. Prerna's expertise has been honed through impactful roles at CyberMedia, HT Media, and NIIT University. She holds an MBA in International Business from Amity International Business School and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Asia Pacific Institute of Management.

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